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Features of this department

▋General Department Introduction

The Department of General Disciplines was approved by the Ministry of Education in 1989 to establish 6 specialized departments including the Department of Applied Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Ship Mechanics, Department of Information Management, Department of Marine Science, and Department of Applied Foreign Languages. The main goal is to cultivate modern naval junior officers with scientific, engineering and management literacy. The design of the courses of each department is based on the Ministry of Education's requirements for the academic ability of the university's science and engineering and management departments and the need for naval professional knowledge. In 1991, it was an improvement in school education, approved by the Naval Headquarters Educational Reform Conference, and cooperated with the Department to set up programs such as Naval Science and Technology, Naval Applied Chemistry, Naval Weapon System, Naval Mechanical Power System, National Defense Information Management, National Defense Information Engineering, Ocean Acoustics and Anti-submarine, etc. Strengthen the characteristics of naval defense education. In 1998, the Department of Applied Foreign Languages was established as the Department of Applied Foreign Languages on July 1, 2008, and became the general subject department of the school. The newly established sixth professional department of the Department of Humanities will deepen the internationalization of humanities into the modernized junior officers of the navy with specialties in science, engineering and management. After receiving the teaching in the headquarters, the students of the military school can not only learn the academic foundation required for the naval profession, but also pass the basic courses of basic science and specialty subjects. It is hoped that they can have a solid academic and research foundation and lay the foundation for future development of naval career and further study. The potential of new technologies.


▋Course introduction of general department


※Winter and summer training and summer training

1.First grade: Every year in late August, freshmen enlist in the army for eight weeks, focusing on physical training, learning basic military knowledge, and instilling high.The sense of honor and the cultivation of the concept of obedience, responsibility, and discipline, the implementation of professional courses (such as logistics, navy, etc.) during the winter (summer) semester

Introduction to sailing, sailing practice); In addition, summer training courses are arranged at the end of the first-year school year to implement swimming training, sailing training and boating training. Train each week.

2.Second grade: During the cold (summer) training period, implement professional courses (such as nuclear biochemistry, navigation practice, military intelligence, computer practice, etc.); and Arrange summer training courses at the end of the second-year school year, allowing students to learn about soldiers on a medium-sized transport ship for two weeks .Movement and skills, and another week of car driving training.

3.The third grade: During the winter (summer) semester, implement professional courses (such as computer practice, naval weapons, electronic warfare, staff work and navigation practice learning, etc.); and arrange summer training courses at the end of the third grade school year, so that students can go to the Navy's main combat ships (missiles) Destroyer or missile frigate trainees learn the skills of non-commissioned officers for four weeks, and then go to the naval shipyard for a week's traineeship to learn about naval repairs

The current status and operation schedule of the frigate.

4.Fourth grade: Before graduation, students are specially arranged to join the navy's main combat ships (missile destroyers or missile frigates) and oil bomb supply ships. Carried out thirteen-week long-distance voyage training and comforted overseas Chinese, and arranged another week of combat training at the Marine War School and aviation training two weeks of interweaving education to complete the officer development education.


※Intercollegiate Electives

After entering the school, if the average grade and basic (conduct) quality score in the first academic year are above 80, they will have the opportunity to participate in the "inter-school course selection" jointly organized by the school and National Sun Yat-sen University from the second grade to cultivate their second specialty , to increase future learning channels. At present, Sun Yat-sen University offers courses for students to choose from: Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Marine Environment, Department of Physics, Department of Information Management, Department of Marine Resources, Department of Applied Mathematics, and Department of Chemistry.


※Advanced Continuing Education

Due to the rapid advancement of defense science and technology, various weapons and equipment are becoming more and more sophisticated. In addition to receiving four-year training education in official schools, current naval officers still need to continue to use various training opportunities to enrich their professional knowledge and absorb cutting-edge scientific and technological information. We have spared no effort in research and development, ship procurement, and weapons and equipment updates. We plan to eliminate old ships and outdated weapons and equipment in a short period of time, and replace them with new types of ships and weapons and equipment, so as to enhance our navy's combat power and relatively improve the quality of personnel. A naval officer should also take advantage of opportunities for advanced studies in a timely manner to enrich his own knowledge and contribute what he has learned to the navy. The following is a brief introduction of the navy's current advanced education (advanced training) as follows:

  1. Military Continuing Education

The military schools of the Navy provide professional continuing education to increase the personal professional knowledge of officers of various disciplines of the Navy. The training period is about 15 to 24 weeks, including submarines, helicopters, combat, weapons, engines, logistics, Classes such as communications and electronics, through this kind of advanced education, enable grassroots military officers to combine the professional education they receive with practical application.

  1. Military advanced education (referring to reference, strategic education):

Cultivate mid- and high-level naval officers' command staff and strategic education knowledge through guidance and strategic education. The training time is about one year. (1) Military University refers to the class of participation: provides education and training for command and staff officers. (2) War College of the Armed Forces University: Provides advanced strategic education and advanced training.

     3.General Continuing Education

It can be roughly divided into two training channels: arms sales training, national defense science and technology, and general referral to domestic and foreign advanced training. It is to improve military officers' reference knowledge and cultivate national defense science and technology talents. (1) Arms sales training (Allied naval arms sales): Provide professional military education for advanced study abroad. (2) U.S. Naval Academy: Provide general engineering and military applied science master's and doctoral training. (3) Chung Cheng Institute of Technology master's and doctoral programs: provide advanced training in applied physics, applied chemistry, electronic engineering, shipbuilding engineering and weapon engineering. (4) Master's and doctoral programs of the National Defense Management Institute: Provide resource management training and legal training. (5) Master's and doctoral programs of Political Warfare School: Provide political and diplomatic training. (6) Advanced studies in domestic and foreign universities (master's and doctoral degrees): According to the annual quota approved by the national army, students can study in domestic and foreign universities, but the majors of advanced studies are mostly limited to science and engineering.

  1. Secondary education

Provide computer and language training to improve naval officers' information knowledge and language literacy.

(1) Regular classes of the National Defense Chinese School: English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Russian, Thai, and Korean language courses are provided.

(2) English Class of Naval Navigation School: Provide English training.

(3) Computer Class of Naval Communication Electronics School: Provide professional computer operation and maintenance education.


The navy is a scientific and technological service. All weapons and equipment have entered into automatic control, and various managements have also entered into informationization. Therefore, today's naval officers must enrich their knowledge at any time and accept cutting-edge technological information in order to take on the tasks assigned by their superiors. The task, "The treasure of knowledge is endless, how to discover it depends on the individual", I believe that through the above introduction, you can understand that the Navy has ample channels for further study, and make a long-term plan to cultivate talents. Should have a degree or academic qualifications to facilitate the use of future appointments or employment training at the Marine War School and aviation training two weeks of interweaving education to complete the officer development education.


